Compliance Experts completing audits on their phones

What are the requirements to become an expert?

  • Proof of qualifications to work in your specific field(s) of expertise
  • Proof of liability insurance to a minimum of £500,000 (MCP can recommend providers on request)

The MCP network of specialist experts

  • All our experts have been personally vetted for competence by our team
  • Experts work only in their specific areas of expertise

The MCP quality rating

The MCP rating allows you to easily confirm an expert’s level of experience:

  • GOLD = Fellow or chartered practitioner or equivalent, at least 5 years post-qualified experience
  • SILVER = Member of relevant accrediting body, at least 2 years post-qualified experience
  • BRONZE = Newly qualified, associate member of accrediting body or equivalent

What are the fees?

  • Registration for both businesses and experts is FREE
  • MCP charges experts 20% of all work completed through the platform plus any associated card or call handling fees

How are experts selected?

  • The business chooses the experts direct by reviewing their profiles and services offered
  • Experts are notified when selected for a job and have 24 hours to accept the work in the system. If not accepted, the business will then offer to the next suitable expert
  • Businesses can message experts using the MCP messaging system. They may do this to request further information or to become comfortable with the expert before purchasing
  • If the services are not on our predefined service list, the business may also post a job. Any expert who matches the skill set is notified and invited to bid on the work

Quality Assurance

To ensure MCP provides only the best and most cost-effective local experts we:

  • Use client feedback to maintain standards
  • Conduct random quality assurance visits following an expert’s audit
  • Ensure our experts’ accreditation and public liability certification is up to date

If you have any further questions feel free to drop us an email to